So what was I thinking I would be able to do a 19km hike over
Mount Doom? It was just a fleeting thought while I was talking to a girl from
my hostel who had walked it the day before. And then a growing idea when I saw
the weather forecast and saw it was going to be bright and warm the next day. A
confirmed plan once I made my deposit for the shuttle, the shuttle that was
picking me up at 5:40 am. I seriously must have lost my mind.
Of course this meant I had to watch a preview of Lord of the Rings: Return
of the King so I knew exactly what I was getting into. Five other people from
my hostel were going the next day, and we piled into the TV room, preparing
ourselves for the hike with images of battles in Mordor. I was siked to go.
The break of dawn came and my room awoke with activity,
dressing in layers and preparing meals. The shuttle came promptly at 5:40am and
we were out the door and on our way. An hour later we were saying “Good Morning”
to Mount Doom.
I started out at a good pace, just kept trucking along,
making sure not to stumble on the rocks while getting blinded by the early
morning sun my sunglasses couldn’t block. I stopped and took pictures, looked
around at the landscape around me, and took in the beauty of just being there.
Then I hit the stairs. Those hundreds and hundreds of
stairs, one after another, seemingly never ending. I vowed about half way up to
add the Stairmaster to my exercise routine when I get home.But I just kept moving on, watching others breeze right by like it was a walk in the park. Which, if we get technical, it was a park.
A while later I made the half-way point and the trail to
head up Mount Tongariro Summit, aka Mount Doom. I looked at the sign, I looked
at the trail, and then I sat and had a bit of lunch to think over the
Did I really need to go up? Was the view going to be worth
it? Would I last making the extra hour and half? In the end I finished my
PB&J sandwich and decided I was going to be smart and continue on without
going up, which I figured was a smart move seeing as this was my first real
hike ever. Plus, I already had my picture that I was there.
The views of the top were something else, just expanses of
open sky and fields below. I had to be careful I didn’t get too close to the
edge, as I was worried about sliding down. But this did come to pass when I
started to follow the trail down the summit onto the Emerald Lakes. 5 times I
slide and landed on my bum, twice so hard I’m surprised I don’t have worse
The walk is considered one of the best in New
Zealand and I can understand why once I got further along the trail and into more
lush landscape. The contrast from the start of the day, with barren ground and
absolutely no wild life, to the end of the trail which finished in a rainforest,
was truly something I had never experienced before. And though I did find some
parts really trying and tough, I’m proud I pushed myself to keep on going…just
like the Little Engine That Could!
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